Sunday, May 22, 2005


Well, Abby, It was two weeks ago today on May 8th 2005 that you first went to the bathroom in the toilet. You have gone one other time since then. Mommy said she doesn’t want to potty train you yet because none of your clothes will fit once you stop wearing diapers. You are learning a lot of new words. “See” is one of your favorites. You love to eat “Cereal” (and make a big mess while you are at it.) Today you actually picked up the bowl with both hands and drank all of the milk, instead of dumping it out on the table. We went camping Thursday to Saturday. You liked to throw rocks into the creek. I would point out where a rock was by saying “There’s one.” When you would come back looking for another one you would ask, with your shoulders shrugged and your palms turned up, “One?”

You like to say “Ummm” or “Yummy” when you are eating something you like. Right now while I am writing this you are sitting with me on the front porch playing with a spray bottle. You have been spraying everything, even my laptop. You are now spraying the water into your mouth, which I taught you to do so that you would stop spraying my shoe.

Alex, you are becoming a good walker. You had some trouble out camping because of the uneven ground. You really liked to play in the creek, to eat rocks and copy your sister. You have been clingy lately. You sometimes wake up at night and the only way to get you to go back to sleep is to hold you and rock in the rocking chair.

Abby, lately you have been waking up in the early morning like 2 or 3 and you come and climb into bed with me and mom. You usually climb in on Mom’s side. She’s too tired to take you back to bed so she just let’s you stay there. Usually I don’t even know. However, if you are wiggly and won’t stop kicking your legs, she sends you over to sleep on my side. Usually I take you back to bed, except last night I was so tired that I just let you stay there. You have starting to say “Why?” lately. It makes you seem so much older when you start asking questions like that.

While we were camping we took an off road drive on an endless dirt road (we never did find the end because we ended up turning back). Abby, you fell asleep right away. Alex, you stayed awake for most of the time. You didn’t fall asleep until we were about to turn back, which is when Abby woke up. The problem was that going down the mountain, which was rather steep in some places, your whole body would fall forward and you would hang on the restraints. Your head would hang loose and sway back and forth. You tried to open your eyes a couple times to see what was going on, but you were too tired. Abby, you really enjoyed going off road. You like to say, “Whoa, Daddy” when we hit a bump or bounce around.