Friday, January 6, 2006

Christmas Recap 2005

On Christmas day we got up, and opened presents. We were planning on going to Church up in Sandy, but by the time we got done opening our presents, we wouldn’t have been able to make it. We decided to go to Church at our ward. Abby got to wear her new Christmas dress that Nanny picked out for her. She was very, very excited about it. She is obsessed with dresses. Melinda had to keep the dress hidden from her, because once she sees it she has to wear it.

When we pulled up to the Church on Christmas Day, instead of seeing people arrive, we saw people leaving. I parked the truck and ran inside. I spotted Ryan, our home teacher who told me that Church had actually started at 10:20, instead of 11:00. As we started driving home, Abby started crying. “I want to go to Church”, she cried. She had been so excited to wear her dress at Church, she was heart broken when she couldn’t go inside. We stopped by another ward house just to take her in. She was excited; but it didn’t last long and then she wanted to go home.

Just today, Melinda took Abby to the store with her. On the way there, Melinda was telling Abby what they were going to get at the store. As they walked the store and went right pass the milk, Melinda then noticed Abby looking through the cart. She then turned to Melinda and asked “Where’s the milk?”. I am so impressed at how smart she is, and how observant. I really think she is extra intelligent.

Alex is learning well. He does such a good job saying his prayers over meals. He is putting his words together well, but usually only says one syllable of the word. They are such good friends. Alex always wakes up first. I take him out to get him breakfast, but he always asks where Abby is, saying, “Abba?”.

Abby was sick the other day with a 24 hour flu. Melinda brought her in a drink and she had to make sure that it was apple juice. Then she said, “Shut the door”. She acts like such an adult, even though she is so young.

One day Abby was watching Charlotte’s web. At the point where they sell the pig down the street to the other farm, and the little girl cries and cries, Abby started crying too. “Piggy gone”, she cried. She was truly upset and wouldn’t stop crying even though Melinda was holding her and trying to explain that the pig was happy now because he could talk and dance. Abby still wouldn’t be comforted. It took her quite awhile to calm down.

One of the CD’s we have in the truck on the song on it, “My Girl”. Abby really likes the song and enjoys singing along, especially to the chorus. The cutest thing is that she sings “Ti-ger”, instead of “My Girl”

She really loves to sing. Lately she has been singing “Once upon a December” from Anastasi. She sings, “Once upon a Decembe, someone holds me safe and once upon a Decembe”

Melinda has been trying to teach Abby to say her last name. It usually comes out Chrifenenen. It’s really cute. She usually extends her “ings” by saying something like “Openenen it” Overall she talks very well.

Abby and Alex were downstairs playing. Alex came upstairs to get Melinda and ask her for some crackers. She got a little package for him and then he questioned “Abba?”. She got some for him too. Now, with both of his hands full he couldn’t go downstairs by himself. So Melinda carried him down the stairs. When she sat him down he went over and both of them sat down in their chairs ate their cookies. They are very considerate of each other. If one of them gets something, then want to make sure the other one gets one too.