Sunday, April 9, 2006

Alex's Birthday

The 7th was Alex’s birthday. Melinda got up really early that morning and went to WalMart to get him some presents. The first thing he went after and his favorite gift of the day was a box of Wheat Thins. Only after he grabbed the box, had Melinda open it and grabbed some crackers was he ready to look at this other presents. He knew it was his Birthday and he was pretty happy about it. I slept in his room part of the night because he woke up crying. I asked him a couple times in the early morning if it was his birthday, and he just nodded his head yes. We went over to Chik-Filet for lunch and the kids played on the play set.

Abby is really smart. Melinda and I are both very impressed. Just yesterday Abby was saying that “Tomorrow is Sunday. We get to go church.” She then added, “No Shopping on Sunday”. We assume that she must have learned that from primary, but how amazing that she would remember it and recite it.

Today I am helping her with her “ABCD’s” as she calls them. I printed our large, hollow block letters for her and she has done 4 complete sheets tracing inside the letters. She loves it.

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