Sunday, December 30, 2007

Our family by Abby

We went over the office after church to feed my Christmas present: two

Abby and Alex always have an art fest at the office. Here is one of
Abby's pictures.

Notice how there are 3 skirts for the three girls. Also, that the
girls have half cirlces for for hair and the boys have straight lines
for hair. Addorable!

Thursday, December 27, 2007


Abby is pretending that her new room is under the bathroom sink. I
remember being able to fit places like that. What fun it is to be a kid.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Goodbye Rusty

Melinda sold the dog today, within a few hours of putting the ad on

We discovered his secret hiding spot under Alex's bed.

Abby called me at work when Melinda told her we were getting rid of
the dog. She was really sad and sweet and she almost won me over.

I think our next pet will be a turtle.

Baby Tech

Baylee loves the computer and the iPhone. She's a tech baby.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Water main workout

Friday/Saturday Dec 14-15

I went down to the store room, wearing my socks, and found the carpet

Poppy came over later and we dug down next to the hoise to find a leak
in the water main.

Saturday we were joined by Rob and his tractor and dug a foot wide
trench through our front yard.

Melinda and the kids went to Abbys Christmas dance concert. I was
excited to have Alex get home so he could help out.

We had help by Todd and Darin too. We finally finished things up
sometime after dark. It was a long day. I'm grateful for all the help
we got from family.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Frosty the Snowman

The snow had already turned to powder, but we were able to build a snowman anyway, even though he was short and lopsided and composed mostly of ice chuncks.

Abby called me while I was at work and asked if we could build a snowman when I got home. I came home a little early so we would still have light.

Even if he's not your typical snowman the kids still had fun and the food coloring and spray bottle technique makes him unique.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Ginger Bread House

For our family night activity we made a Ginger bread house.

Merry Christmas Kids!

Sunday, December 9, 2007


Abby was talking to Kyah on the phone. She asked, "When will you come back from Costa Rica so we can still be friends?"

Friday, December 7, 2007

Alex discovers his eyebrows

Daddy, can you take them off?

I first noticed his challenge when he reached over and grabbed my eye
brow. Then he picked at his own eyebrow trying to pull it off.

I tried to explain that I had eyebrows, and Roxy had eyebrows and they
wern't meant to come off.

I must not have been very convincing because he went and found some
scissors, which we quickly took away.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Monday, December 3, 2007

Decorating for Christmas

Baylee is getting ready for Christmas. She decided to hide out under the table and eat her candy cane.

Abby is singing "jolly, jolly, jolly" for deck the halls. (She picks up songs pretty well.)

Alex is excited to hang up his ornaments.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Let it snow!

The kids got all bundled up to brave the snow and head down to Nana
and Poppy's.

Baylee's "first" snowfall.

Friday, November 30, 2007

It's a boat!

An after dinner ride for Alex and Baylee.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Kids Journal

Alex pleading mercy for cooper after being hit

Abby getting the wiggles out

Baylee's first tooth - 19 July

Abby "vacuming the lawn" - remember you said...

The first "Are we there yet?" When we went to the rodeo on the 6th of

Abby's Nap

Melinda was going to take Abby to the store, but she washy getting ready so Melinda left without her. She was really sad. Add to that the fact that she was sick,and it seemed like a good time for a nap. She cried and cried insisting that she didnt want to take a nap. 

I told her that sometimes we do things we dont what to just because they are good for us. I dont think that helped, buy before I got back from making Baylee's bottle, she was already asleep. 

Friday, October 26, 2007

On a walk

We love you!

Melinda was down in St. George on a "Girl's Weekend" with her Mom, Ladena and Lora. I sent her this picture when the kids and I were out on a walk.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Temple Drive by

14 Oct 2007

We were coming back from dinner at Becky and Robbys and drove by the temple so the kids could see it.

The first comment was how big the temple was. Then Abby said, "I want to get married there when I am big. Alex said he wanted to be a prince and get married there.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Alex and the Puppy

13 October 2007

Nana and Poppy, Tyler and Melissa came over to watch the BYU/UNLV game.

Eventually, Alex fell asleep on the floor and our new puppy, Rusty Jr. (RJ) decided to sleep right next to him.

The kids both like the "baby puppy". Melinda likes him too.

Daddy has only agreed to get a dog on the condition that he doesn't have to go anything to take care of him.

Scarecrow Festival

13 Oct 2007

I asked Abby how that man got so tall.

Abby said "he must have ate a lot of food and got big."

Friday, October 5, 2007

The Kids say...

5 Oct 2007

The kids say...

I pointed out the full moon to Abby who responded, "its back together"

Dad, can you sing with all the colors?

Abby needed a flower sewed back on her sweater, Alex said "I have a hammer, I can fix it."

Alex throwing his poop in the toilet.

Oct - Alex can now pee standing up

Tell daddy how to say "I love you in Chinese" alex repeated it

Abby, how was school?
"I can't talk right now, my mouth is tired."

Baylee can go from sitting to her knees, but can't crawl yet. She gets frustrated about it.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Fathers - My Goal

"With my father life became an adventure. The minute he walked in the door at night, even the house seemed to take on a new energy, like a surge of electricity.

Everything became charged, brighter, more colorful, more exciting...All fathers are, at first, Hero to their daughters, even when they are anything but heroic."

by Victoria Secunda

Saturday, September 8, 2007

When Alex grows up

Are you going to be a soilder when you grow up?


or a Doctor?


I'm going to be Superman!! with his arms thrown out

Sunday, July 1, 2007


Abby said the prayer in Primary today, and then repeated the scripture as it was whispered in her ear. I sat in the back and watch. Melinda was there as well, playing the piano, and she said I was the typical example of a beaming father. I was so proud, especially of the fact that she walked right up there confident and assured.

She later came down with a fever and fell asleep on Melinda’s lap during sacrament meeting. Her arm was falling asleep so she put Abby in Baylee’s car seat where she slept for the rest of the meeting. By the time Church was over she had a very high temperature. We brought her home and put her to bed, where she has been since.

Nanny and Poppy came over to our house for our after church meal. Nachos are our traditional snack. As we all sat around in the living room Alex got us all organized playing ball, using a plastic lemon. He would throw it skillfully to me, at great speed from across the room, I would toss it to Nanny, who passed it on to Poppy, who threw it to Melinda, who finished off the circle by sending it back to Alex. If any part of that process was slowed down or messed up Alex would verbally attack the offending party. Sometimes he would take the lemon and hide it in the drawer, then turn around and with great innocence ask, “Where did it go?” as he held up both of his hands. Alex is very systematic, I wonder what it will lead him into in the future. Poppy fell asleep on the couch and had a nice nap. Nanny took Alex with her down to her house. I was asked to substitute for Steve Treseder as teacher of the Gospel Doctrine class for the next 2 weeks, so before I took a cat nap myself I worked on my lesson.

The other day Alex came to Melinda with his arms wrapped around his middle saying, in his tummy hurt and he needed pudding. Melinda explained that his tummy didn’t have to hurt in order for him to have pudding, his classic response when he learns something new is “Oh”.

We have started using a job chart that Melinda drew by herself in Illustrator. Each day the kids need to make their beds, pick up toys, read a story, brush their teeth and say prayers. For each task they complete they get to put a sticker in the corresponding spot on the chart. It has been working really well for them and for us.

Baylee is eating solid food now. Tonight for dinner Melinda fed her Applesauce and Bananas. Like Abby, she hold her arms out, hands wide open and shakes. I have the privilege of taking her with me to Priesthood and Sunday School. I always sit on the back row next to Scott Carter. Baylee get’s along well with anybody how catches her eye, she smiles and her eyes beam and she makes everybody who is lucky enough to get her attention feel happy and special.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Drama, Drama and Drama

I need to update about some important events from the recent past.

Abby turned 4 on 28 March 2007. Melinda threw a Birthday party for her with all of the cousins. They were playing “Mother May I’ when Alex tripped and fell into the fireplace. He hit the middle of his forehead above his right eye. Melinda carried him into me in the kitchen and laid him on the counter. His head was opened up pretty wide and he was crying a lot. After one look it was obvious he needed stitches. I grabbed a towel to cover the bleeding and took him out to the van. Melinda called her Mom and asked is she could come down and take over the party. We sped off to the clinic - After Hours Medical in Draper. They got us right in. Alex was inconsolable. He didn’t like the idea of going to the doctor in the first place and once he got to the clinic and saw the table he disliked it even more.

They had to clean the wound first, then they injected it with numbing solution. Both of which made him cry hysterically. The worst part of course was when they got right down to the stitches. We helped wrap him up in a blanket so he couldn’t move. The nurse held his head, Melinda held his arms and I held his legs. They covered his face with a gauze pad which opened in one small area so the doctor could focus on the area to be stitched. This is what he disliked the most. He kept pleading, “I can see, I can’t see” “Please, take it off.” I really wasn’t handling it well. I felt terrible for him and just wanted to do anything so help him calm down and make it through the process so we could comfort him.

I was terribly anemic because I had a ruptured hemorrhoid which had been bleeding profusely for a couple weeks each time I went to the bathroom. I think the anemia along with the stress and emotion of poor Alex was really making me faint. I was sweating a lot and kept wiping my forehead on Melinda’s sleeve. One of the other nurses noticed my sweating, and pale face and took my place holding Alex’s legs while I sat down to rest. They got me a CapriSun to drink and as soon as Alex was finished they had me lay down on the bed in his place. Once Alex was free and could see clearly he was quite happy. He got his sucker and was all better. As soon as we convinced the nurses that I was fine, we left and made it back to the party five stitches later and in time for cake. We were gone less than an hour.

Fast forward a week and half to Easter morning and Melinda and I both sat in the living room in quite hesitation, neither one of us looking forward to a repeat of Alex’s last visit to the doctor.

Alex was playing with a ball in the living room and accidentally fell into the end table. He got a small puncture wound right between his eyes. Again it was obvious that he needed stitches, and despite our efforts to talk ourselves out of it, we finally decided to take him into the hospital. We dropped Abby off at Church to go to pre-school and then headed over to Alta View. We decided to go to the emergency room this time so we could have a plastic surgeon take care of the stitches. (Perhaps we should have done the same thing the first time around.)

The nurses and doctors were confused at first glance because he still hand bandages on his head from his previous stitches. Alex wasn’t as instantly nervous or distraught about being in the emergency room; I don’t think he recognized it like he did the After Hours Clinic where he had been for his cat bite. However, he didn’t like sitting on the doctors chair and preferred instead to run around on the floor and be unfriendly to all the doctor’s and nurses.

The hospital had a Velcro board to bind him with. It worked better than the blankets had and he didn’t seem to mind it as much, but he still hated having his face and eyes covered. I let Melinda do the battle this time so I didn’t risk fainting again. He received 3 stitches. It was slightly less difficult this time around, but still heart wrenching and definitely one of the most emotional draining experiences of my life.

The day after we were at the clinic for Alex’s first stitches we were back at the clinic for Melinda. After consulting we determined she had mastitis. The doctor confirmed the diagnosis and they prescribed an anti-biotic and gave her a shot in the butt before we left.

The next day, 30 March 2007 I went in for a hemorrhoidectomy. Abby and Alex stayed overnight at Rob and LaDena’s. Baylee came with us. This was my 7th time for a procedure requiring anesthesia. Here is the quick history:

1. Wisdom Teeth
2. Jaw wired shut
3. Jaw un-wired
4. Hernia – left side
5. Hernia right side
6. Colonoscopy
7. Hemorrhoids

By the time we made it home, Melinda was so weak and sick that she climbed right into bed with me. She confesses later that she was barely able to drive home. This is where Poppy stepped in as a great help. Melinda was feeling so sick that I insisted she go back to the clinic, which the doctor had recommended if she didn’t feel any better. By the time Poppy got her there she was feeling so poorly that she lay down right on the floor at the clinic. They took her in and got her hooked up to an IV. She had a fever of over 104 degrees. The doctor determined that she better get into hospital so they called the ambulance to pick her up.

Prior to this event it was a standing joke between Melinda and I that whenever I was sick, she was more sick, so by default the responsibility fell to me to take care of the kids, house etc. This last dramatic event was another evidence of this strange pattern. I decided that if I ever got diagnosed with cancer that Melinda would probably have a heart attack. (Gratefully, I hope we will never find out.)

Melinda stayed overnight in the hospital while I Poppy stayed the night with me and took wonderful care of me.

Alex had his 3rd birthday on 7 April 2007, which was a Saturday. Melinda took the kids down to the Saxey family campout on Friday and spent the night. I managed to make it to the temple on Saturday, 8 April to see Aunt Michelle receive her endowments.

Baylee was blessed on 29 April 2007. The main feeling of her blessing is that she has been given the gift of happiness and contentment. She is by definition “the perfect baby”. She smiles more than any baby I’ve seen. She is easy to take care of. She has never cried for an unknown reason When she is hungry or wants to be held, she ‘baby talks” but it’s never loud or annoying. Even when she needs to be changed she doesn’t cry, in fact she is extremely patient. She loves to be held, but if you need to set her down she sits contently.

Friday, May 4, 2007


Alex - "I have lines on my hand."

Abby burned her arm on the curling iron.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Which way is down?

Alex saw Melinda feeding Baylee. He determined that one breast had milk and the other had apple juice.

Abby saw Melinda's love handles and decided it was "another one baby."

I was trying to help Alex learn his directions. I asked, Which way is down? He said, "I can't find it". I asked him to bend down he said, "You need to help me."

Melinda asked Alex where the food closet was. He knew that it was in the kitchen, but when he came in to look for it, he was looking all through the drawer.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Our baby is stuck

Molly (Nanna and Poppy’s new puppy) ate Abby's bread and she told Poppy about it. Poppy said "let's get that dog over here and cut him open so we can get the bread back" Abby got really concerned and cried.

Alex always repeats himself until you acknowledge him. He loves to state the obvious such as, "I'm awake" or "Your awake, Dad?" "I'm Alex"

He says "Yes" very clearly. The other day Abby said something to him and he said, "Oh' boy" He as different kinds of "Ohs" such as "Oh" I just learned something or "oh" I'm disappointed.

Abby is very perceptive. When Melinda got up this morning she was depressed becuase she had contractions last night but they had stopped by this morning. Abby was Abby to see her until she saw her sad face, then Abby's face became sad as well and she said, "Are you sad mom? Because Baylee is stuck?"

The other night during Dinner at the Golden Coral with Melinda's family Abby announced: Our baby won't come out. She's stuck.

Just yesterday Alex tried to push the baby out. He pushed on all sides and in all directions but finally announced "I can't do it. The baby is stuck." He thinks Melinda's breasts are "the other one babies".

Sunday, January 7, 2007

Primary and Nursery

Abby and Alex are both excited for Bailey to be born. We have set Bailey’s crib up in Abby’s room and have re-arranged to get everything ready. I think Abby and Alex will both want to help feed and take care of Bailey. Melinda is due within the next 10 days. Rachel is in labor right now. Parker is over at our house for a sleep over. Both of the kids are really excited to have him come over. We are waiting to find out if Rachel has a boy or a girl. They are both sure that it’s a girl, but they were sure Kimball was a girl also.

Abby had her first day in Primary today. I walked by a couple times and saw her sitting in her chair staring up at the teacher. When I saw her after class she was wearing her “I am a child of God” crown and was so excited to tell me how she want to class. Melinda said that she answered a couple questions in sharing time. One questions asked was “What do we do when the lights go out?” Abby jumped up and said, “We get our flashlights.”

When they got back from class the sharing time leader asked, “What did the sunbeams learn about today?” The other kids didn’t answer but Abby said, “I am a…uh, God” Sister Bradfield whispered to her, “child” so she repeated, “I am a Child of God”. I’m glad that she is not afraid to speak up and be heard even with all of the other people in the primary. She is a very smart little girl.

This morning before Church as we were talking to Abby about Primary and how she would get to go and sing. Alex was sad and said he wanted to go and sing too. I tried to get him excited about going to Nursery by asking him what his favorite toy was. Abby answered first saying that she liked the dinosaurs. When Melinda told Abby that there weren’t toys in primary then Abby got sad. When we got to Church Alex was a little hesitant to go into Nursery by himself but after a moments hesitation he ran right in. He didn’t last very long before he realized he was “alone” and started crying. I guess they found Poppy before they found me so he went in to spend time with Alex. We’ll have to see what happens next week.

Children are so easily excited and happy. Alex is excited just to wake up in the morning always telling me “Dad, I’m awake!”. The other night as we walked home from the Saxey’s Alex enjoyed just walking along with one foot in the snow just so he could hear the crunch of the snow. Alex is very adamant about so many things – which is satisfying to me. I want him to be excited and passionate about life. On Christmas morning we let the kids open their stockings first. After they unloaded the few toys that I bought for them at the dollar store along with the some candy I announced that was all they were getting for Christmas and gave a cheer. They were completely happy and satisfied even though there were still presents under the tree. After they opened the presents under the tree they were again content and satisfied. I went downstairs with the camera so I could photograph their faces as they saw the play kitchen we bought and the train track we set up for Alex. I heard Melinda trying to talk the kids into coming downstairs – they wanted to stay upstairs and play with their toys. It’s has been inspiring and encouraging to me to enjoy the simple things in life.

Alex likes to say “Sure” which I realize that he got from me. Abby will often present an idea then asks “Is that a good idea?” which we realized she gets from Melinda. However, before they started saying those phrases we didn’t realize that we said them ourselves.