Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Our baby is stuck

Molly (Nanna and Poppy’s new puppy) ate Abby's bread and she told Poppy about it. Poppy said "let's get that dog over here and cut him open so we can get the bread back" Abby got really concerned and cried.

Alex always repeats himself until you acknowledge him. He loves to state the obvious such as, "I'm awake" or "Your awake, Dad?" "I'm Alex"

He says "Yes" very clearly. The other day Abby said something to him and he said, "Oh' boy" He as different kinds of "Ohs" such as "Oh" I just learned something or "oh" I'm disappointed.

Abby is very perceptive. When Melinda got up this morning she was depressed becuase she had contractions last night but they had stopped by this morning. Abby was Abby to see her until she saw her sad face, then Abby's face became sad as well and she said, "Are you sad mom? Because Baylee is stuck?"

The other night during Dinner at the Golden Coral with Melinda's family Abby announced: Our baby won't come out. She's stuck.

Just yesterday Alex tried to push the baby out. He pushed on all sides and in all directions but finally announced "I can't do it. The baby is stuck." He thinks Melinda's breasts are "the other one babies".

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